Lithium batteries can be broadly divided into two categories: lithium metal batteries and lithium ion batteries. Lithium-ion batteries do not contain lithium in the metallic form and are rechargeable. Lithium-metal battery, the fifth generation of rechargeable battery, was born in 1996. Its safety, specific capacity, self-discharge rate, performance and price ratio are better than lithium-ion battery. These lithium-metal batteries are now produced by companies in only a handful of countries because of their own high technology requirements.

  I believe most consumers have heard that the life of lithium battery is "500 times", 500 times of charge and discharge, more than this number of times, the battery on the "end of the bed", many friends in order to be able to extend the life of the battery, each time when the battery is completely exhausted to charge, so the life of the battery really have to prolong the effect? The answer is no

Correct statement: lithium battery life and charging cycle is related to the completion of the number of times, and the number of charging has no direct relationship. A simple understanding, for example, is that a block of lithium is only half full on the first day, and then it is fully charged. If it's still the same the next day, use half the charge, and it counts as one charging cycle, not two. As a result, it may often take several recharges to complete a cycle. After each charging cycle, the charge is reduced a little. However, the reduction is very small. High-quality batteries retain 80 percent of their original charge after multiple cycles, which is why many lithium-powered products still work as usual after two or three years. Of course, lithium battery life eventually needs to be replaced.

Lithium battery life is generally 300 to 500 charging cycles. It is assumed that a full discharge provides a power quantity of Q. If the reduction of the power quantity after each charging cycle is not taken into account, lithium electricity can provide or supplement 300Q-500Q total power during its life. From this we know that if we charge each half, we can charge 600-1000 times; If you use 1/3 each time, you can charge 900 to 1500 times. Similarly, if the charge is random, the number of times is variable. In short, no matter how you charge it, the total amount of power you add is constant at 300Q to 500Q. Therefore, we can also understand that lithium battery life is related to the total charge capacity of the battery, and has nothing to do with the number of charges. The influence of deep discharge and shallow discharge and shallow charge on lithium battery life is not different.