Photovoltaic systems paired with energy storage units are a reliable means of efficiently utilizing clean energy. In many countries and regions, photovoltaic energy storage systems have become the preferred energy method.

With the further expansion of domestic photovoltaic installed capacity, photovoltaic storage systems have also become the new normal. What are the main structures of photovoltaic + energy storage? What benefits can it bring?

energy storage

Main types of household optical storage systems

Household energy storage photovoltaic systems mainly include off-grid integrated photovoltaic energy storage systems, AC coupled photovoltaic energy storage systems, and off-grid photovoltaic energy storage systems:

01 Off-grid integrated photovoltaic energy storage system

The system generally consists of components, lithium batteries, energy storage inverters, smart meters, power grids, grid-connected loads and off-grid loads. Bidirectional DC-AC conversion is achieved through the energy storage inverter for charging and discharging the battery.

energy storage
High integration, effectively reducing system installation time and cost
Intelligent control, the working mode can be switched according to the situation to meet the user's power demand
It can provide users with safe power guarantee when the power grid is outage
02 AC coupled photovoltaic energy storage system

AC-coupled photovoltaic energy storage system mainly consists of components, grid-connected inverter, lithium battery, AC-coupled inverter, smart meter, power grid, grid-connected load and off-grid load. This system is mainly used in application scenarios where existing photovoltaic systems are extended with energy storage systems.
energy storage
Suitable for extending existing grid-connected photovoltaic systems into energy storage systems with low investment cost
It can provide users with safe power guarantee when the power grid is outage
Strong compatibility, adaptable to grid-connected photovoltaic systems from different manufacturers
03 Off-grid photovoltaic energy storage system

Off-grid photovoltaic energy storage systems mainly consist of components, energy storage batteries, off-grid inverters, loads and generators. This system is mainly used in remote areas without power grid, isolated islands, etc.
energy storage
Suitable for daily electricity needs in areas lacking power grids
Can be combined with the generator network to form a stable complementary power supply system
Benefits of household light storage systems
01 Cope with surges in electricity use and avoid outages

Nowadays, it has become a trend for some households to install central air conditioning, install floor heating, purchase new energy vehicles, and install charging piles, which has caused a surge in household electricity consumption.

On the other hand, with the surge in electricity consumption in society, power outages may occur during peak periods of electricity consumption. At the same time, extreme weather such as typhoons, thunderstorms, and blizzards may also cause power outages in severe cases. Installing household storage can cope with the surge in electricity consumption and meet emergencies. Electricity demand.
energy storage
02 Maximize the self-consumption rate of photovoltaic

The photovoltaic energy storage system can provide photovoltaic power to the load first, and the excess power is stored in the battery so that when the photovoltaic power generation is insufficient or at night, the battery discharges to supply energy to the load, thereby improving the self-consumption rate of the photovoltaic system and achieving energy self-sufficiency. , save electricity expenses. Its working logic is as follows:
03 Use time-of-use electricity prices to reduce electricity bills

Taking Shanghai as an example, residents’ electricity bills are based on time-of-use prices:
According to Shanghai’s peak and valley hours (peak hours 6:00~22:00, valley hours 22:00~6:00 the next day), electricity prices show that off-peak electricity prices are nearly 50% cheaper than peak electricity prices. If users introduce optical storage systems , the use of photovoltaic power and peak and valley time shifting methods can effectively reduce electricity expenses.

The inverter is set to the scheduled charging mode: that is, 22:00-06:00 is the charging time period; 6:00-22:00 is the discharging time period, when photovoltaics are sufficient, battery charging is prioritized; the system can be adjusted according to the peaks and valleys of the power grid. To control the charging and discharging time of the battery to increase profits. The working logic is as follows:
The photovoltaic + energy storage system has many advantages, such as improving power supply reliability, increasing self-use rate, optimizing electricity expenses, etc. From a global perspective, due to factors such as energy crisis, rising electricity costs, and weak power grids in various countries and regions, the development of household photovoltaic storage will become the norm.

For the domestic market, as the contradiction between photovoltaic installed capacity and consumption deepens, the penetration rate of new energy vehicles, charging piles and other equipment increases, and household electricity consumption increases, photovoltaic storage systems will gradually become a development trend, and more families will pass the analysis For the composition of local electricity bills, the introduction of photovoltaic energy storage and the comprehensive consideration of tiered electricity prices and peak and valley electricity prices can effectively reduce electricity bills and minimize electricity expenses.