As the reliable power industry grows, battery options are worth considering. The most common battery packaging formats are cylindrical lithium-ion batteries and prismatic lithium batteries.In this article, we'll take a closer look at the two battery types, their pros and cons, and everything in between.

一. A cylindrical cell is a set of electrodes tightly packed in a cylindrical cell, usually with a metal casing on the outside. Cylindrical batteries are superior to prismatic batteries in terms of safety protection and heat dissipation, because the spacing between the electrodes is just enough to ensure that even under the most frequent use, the chances of the electrode material cracking are minimal. Due to their shape and spatial configuration, cylindrical batteries are used in electronic appliances, electric vehicles, and laptop computers.

Advantages of Cylindrical Batteries:
● Cylindrical cells provide greater consistency in automated processes than prismatic cells.
● Cylindrical cells can handle higher amounts of internal pressure/heating without deformation
● The production method of cylindrical batteries is very skilled and standardized, so their productivity is very high.
● Cylindrical batteries are cheaper than prismatic batteries.
Disadvantages of cylindrical batteries:
● Although both types of batteries use metal casings for safety protection, cylindrical batteries weigh more than prismatic batteries.
● Cylindrical cells require more space to fit into a battery pack than prismatic cells

二. A prismatic battery refers to a prismatic or square lithium battery, and its casing is mostly steel or aluminum. The size and shape of the prismatic battery make it large in capacity and light in weight, so it fits efficiently in tight spaces. Prismatic batteries are found in everything from smart devices such as tablets, smartphones and other accessories, to large critical applications such as powertrains and energy storage systems.

Advantages of prismatic batteries:
● Prismatic cells save less space due to their regular square shape and are therefore easier to cast into battery packs.
● Compared with prismatic batteries, prismatic lithium batteries have higher packaging reliability; higher system energy efficiency; relatively lighter weight and higher energy density; relatively simple structure and relatively convenient expansion.
● If the capacity of the prismatic battery is large, the system structure is relatively simple. Another advantage brought by the simple system is relatively good stability.
Disadvantages of prismatic batteries:
● Due to the size of cylindrical batteries compared to prismatic batteries, which are larger in size than cylindrical batteries, automated methods for this have not yet been developed. There are too many models, and the process is difficult to unify.
● Unlike cylindrical batteries, prismatic batteries have a greater potential for internal short circuits and swelling due to deformation of the internal electrodes.

Performance of Cylindrical Batteries vs. Square Batteries, When it comes to the performance of Cylindrical Batteries vs. Square Batteries, Cylindrical Batteries have advantages over similar batteries due to their mature lithium battery technology. The winding process is more automated and sophisticated than any other semi-manual method, resulting in increased production speed and lower unit costs.

When it comes to battery performance, prismatic batteries offer higher capacity than cylindrical batteries and are often quite large. Although these cells can be connected in either series or parallel, series connection has a particular disadvantage because one bad cell can take out the entire battery pack.On the other hand, cylindrical batteries have lower capacity, smaller size and same voltage. These batteries can be connected either in series or in parallel. When connected in series, the battery pack can obtain the required voltage, and when connected in parallel, the required capacity increase can be obtained.